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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The player controls a cable car and tries to safely carry three passengers to the station, avoiding robotic animals such ostrichs, parrots and camels.
Test subject blue
The player controls a lab experiment enzyme named Blue who has to make his way to the food pill by collecting the designated keycard in the container.
Jack Frost
Players control the Jack Frost characters who must freeze the entire screen by walking over all the platforms and climbing all the ladders in each level in order to complete them.
Commandos is the saga of a game - PC, PS2 and XBOX - popular real-time strategy set during World War II. All missions, characters, equipment and history of the game is based on historical facts during World War II Mundial.Existem four games - Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Commandos 2: Men of Courage Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Commandos and 4: Strike Force - the saga and two expansions - Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty (published on how to play) and Commandos 3: Road to Berlin. Although Pyro Studios, had stated after the publication of Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines and later the Commandos 2: Men of Courage, which would be the last game of this saga, another game was developed and a 4th is in development.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Bad Ice-Cream is an action game released on December 10, 2010. The player controls an Ice Cream Based Characte trying to eat all the fruit in each of the forty levels while defending themselves from enemies.
The game is a sidescrolling platformer similar to Shinobi. The game is set in the near future, where the player controls a blonde police officer named Duke Oda who, over a series of levels, turns into the cyborg ESWAT. At first, as a rookie member of the Cyber Police force in the city of Liberty, the player has to clean the streets of an overwhelming crime wave and terminate the most wanted criminals. In the first and second levels of the game, the completely human Duke Oda can only utilize a single shot weapon and is very vulnerable to attacks.A mysterious and high-tech organization, named "E.V.E.", quickly threatens to take over the entire city and, after being promoted at the end of the second level, Duke Oda is given power armor called the "Ice Combat Suit". With this suit the player can use new and more lethal weapons; "Super Shot", a plasma rifle, rockets, and a devastating fire attack. The player also has access to a jet pack with limited fuel that replenishes over time. The final boss of the game, the leader of E.V.E., is revealed to be a robot with artificial intelligence that is attempting to replicate its own ICE Combat Suits to take over Liberty.
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros. is an electronic game released by Nintendo in 1985. Considered a classic, Super Mario Bros. was one of the first platform games with side scrolling feature known in English as a side-scrolling. The game is the best selling in the history of video games with more than 40 million copies and was primarily responsible for the initial success of the console NES (Famicom in Japan). The game has inspired countless imitations that helped set the style platform games. It was the first successful Japanese game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. In 2011 the title was included in the package of 20 games program "ambassadors" of the Nintendo 3DS, which allowed those who had bought the laptop before the price cut lowering the game for free. Was available for sale to the general public in 2012.A portáti game theme song written by Koji Kondo is recognized around the world, even by those who have never played the game, and has been considered a representation of the music of video games in general.

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Cactus Mccoy
This game is a cactus with own life that has to Venser his arch enemy in the way he fights the henchmen, some thugs have guns derrorer during the time you might use the weapons.
Tribal Wars
Tribal Wars (Brazilian Portuguese) or tribes (European Portuguese) is a strategy game in real time online based in the Middle Ages, created by the German company InnoGames GmbH It follows the same style of Ikariam and Travian, each player controls a small village, which should help to gain power and glory.The record in the game is free, however there is the possibility of having a paid account, called "Premium Account". Holders of this type of account acquire various privileges, such as receiving a notification when a friend is online, add multiple buildings simultaneously search multiple technologies in the blacksmith, among others.
The Grow Games and Toys Limited. is a Brazilian company headquartered in Sao Paulo, which produces and markets toys and board games. It is widely recognized in the country both by the diversity of products and by bringing to Brazil some of the greatest classics genero.Em August 1972 in a garage in Bristol, born in Sao Paulo Grow bringing its first product just in the month of October: the War game He was then the first game for adults released in Brazil. Soon the first five thousand units that were produced were sold out. The War launched in Brazil had a slightly different look of the original foreign Risk. The Grow was also responsible for publishing the first edition in Brazil (in Portuguese Lusitanian) RPG Dungeons & Grow Dragons.O name is formed by the junction of the four original founders of the company, Gerald, Robert, and Oded Grajew Valdir. As a matter of "sound", the V Valdir was replaced by W, leaving Toys and Games Grow SA.
Frizzle Fraz
This game you have to pick up the children of the frizzle (not required to get everyone to come in the door) and get all the keys to open the door.
Fortaleza Magnum
This game is a floating castle that you must rescue the princesses defeating monsters and evolving the castle.
Urban Fatburner
Urban Fatburner the game is a game that a person goes jumping from building to building, essistem several types of internship at the stage of the fat you eat is an evil in the healed stage has women wanting to grab you to gain weight is to eat burger and slimming presciza hitting the boxes.
Pac-Xon is a very basic game because all you have to do capture 80% of the land
by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Pie Craving
Craving the pie is a game that has a yellow jello pie to get in the way ghosts may appear, thorns, shurikens (used to kill the ghosts) and leftover food that varies the points.
The bioalquimia is basically a game that consists of elements together to create other elements.
Puper Villainy
super villainy is a game where the goal is to shoot the monsters that appears to facilitate improvement and using the game.
sorry but no picture to describe the game
Mhajong elements
Elements mahjong is that not only mahjong mahjong elements are the elements together to create new elements.
Mahjong (Mah Jongg, Majiang, mahjong, Majong, Ma-Jong, Mahjongg) is a board game of Chinese origin that was exported from 1920 to the world and especially to the west. It consists of 144 parts, commonly called "stones." Except for the flowers and stones stations, which are not repeated, there are four copies of each stone. The stones of the three suits (Circle, Bamboo, and Character) are similarly numbered 1-9. In relation to the winds there are four: East, South, West and North. There are also three Dragons: Center, White and Fortune. All stones for a total of 9 x 3 + 4 + 3 = 34 different stones, that are repeated four times. Adding the four seasons and four flowers we get 34 x 4 + 4 + 4 = 144 pedras.Um Western game which is very similar to Mahjong and Rummy is also Canasta (hole), it is to make sets of stones, as a sequence of three tiles of the same suit, the same three or four stones. Flowers and plants that give extra points are not used in all versions of the game.
bomb it
Bomb it (also popularly called Bit) is a free browser game, bomberman-style, in which the main objective is to destroy your opponents and get the highest score, but there are also other game modes. The series has four successful games, highlighting mainly Bomb It 2 and 4.
Seafight is a high seas pirate browser game developed and published by Bigpoint. Bigpoin describes Seafight as a free to play game, but in fact certain features are only available on payment. The game revolves around ship warfare on the open seas as player fight against monsters and against each other in search of treasure and gold. As of May 2011, there are over 32 million registered users of the game, available in 30 different languages.Much of this pirate based PvP game takes place on the open seas. On the seas, players will engage in combat with NPCs and other players. Once players form Guilds, they will be able to attack and/or Defend special Guild Islands scattered throughout the game.
Desert Operations
Desert Operations is a Browser-Game developed by estégia online military Playzo GmbH, a German company in the gaming industry for navegador.No Brazil its first server was released on April 9, 2010 and is maintained by Looki Br.A history of the game takes place in 2022, when starting the 3rd War Operations Desert Mundial.O goal is to run a country in all its segments, from economy to defesa.O player has the chance to make his army to defend their country other jogadores.O arsenal of weapons ranging from simple soldiers to modern aircraft like the F-117 Nighthawk that appears in jogo.Pode also make trade with other users, many features can be sold as gold, oil and even weapons.
Evony (formerly known as Civony) is an Adobe Flash-based multiplayer online game with graphic elements reminiscent of Civilization. The game is set in medieval times, where a player is to establish a city, begin developing various technologies, and build supporting structures to generate armies and resources for the purpose of attacking other players and in-game opponents. Evony is also about making friends, and being part of a community, which in Evony is called an alliance. With alliances, players can share resources and defend each other from other attacking alliances.
The hardest game in the world
the hardest game in the world: it is a game where the goal is to go from green dot green dot to the other without being hit by the obstacles with a red square.

DDTank is a free to play artillery game, featuring many equipment styles, upgrades, outfits, and many play styles. An artillery game is one in which you set an angle and power to hit your opponent from a distance, and try to land more damaging, and accurate shots on your opponent, before they can do the same to you. It is currently available on Aeriagames.com as the aeria server. And on Kongregate.com, Facebook.com/newddtank, subagames.com and gamegamma.com as the Fabelo server.
Travian is an online game MMOG strategy developed by Travian Games GmbH German company The game was awarded as the best site GamesDynamite WBMMOG 2006 (category> 10000 players) and has over 4 million players worldwide.
The game developers have relied primarily on classical antiquity, particularly in three tribes: Roman (Roman Empire), Teutonic (Germanic) and Gaul (as the name says, Gaul), to create a strategy game in real time predominantly military . It has been suggested that Travian has been drawn over a board game older German, Settlers of Catan, for appearance.
The game developers have relied primarily on classical antiquity, particularly in three tribes: Roman (Roman Empire), Teutonic (Germanic) and Gaul (as the name says, Gaul), to create a strategy game in real time predominantly military . It has been suggested that Travian has been drawn over a board game older German, Settlers of Catan, for appearance.
Trickster Revolution (formerly known as Trickster: Links to Fantasy) is a Free 2D MMORPG developed by Korean company Ntreev Soft and released in South Korea in mid-2003. The Level Up Games owns the rights to the game in Brasil.O main goal of the game is to complete missions and defend the island Caballa the dangers that surround it.
Lineage II
Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle, is a MMORPG developed by NCsoft, and published on October 1, 2003 in South Korea became well known for being the succession of Lineage: "The Sacred Destiny" published on February 12, 2000, created by ASCII, now belonged to NCsoft, Japan With its large growth, pirate servers of Lineage II began to be created around the world.
PangYa is an online golf simulator, developed by NtreevSoft and distributed by Hanbitsoft. In Pangya, departures may be made up to 30 players simultaneously in order torneio.O game has five modes, which are divided into the familiar way (Family) mode where you can add four players offline, online rooms of "Versus" (from 2-4 people), Tournament (4-30 people), Batle (Pang and Approximation) and Loungue (used to trade). In tournaments you can win trophies for a good performance against the opponents. The game also features a ranking, allowing players to check their performance against others in four categories: Experience Points, percentage of success of Long-Putt, hit percentage from a Fairway, and Putting Average. The goal, as in real golf, is to finish the game with the fewest possible strokes. There are special strokes (Tomahawk Backspin / Forwardspin, Cobra and Spike) that produce a different effect on the trajectory and distance of the ball, the Tomahawk is a move that increases his strength. When you hit it, the Tomawawk leaves the golf ball on fire and drop, generates a explosão.Backspin Forwardspin or add an effect to drive the ball (Backspin, in Portuguese, turn back, breca the ball during its trajectory. Forwardspin in Portuguese, rotate forward, the ball to finish the path, add a forward thrust on the ball). Cobra is a shot where the wind does not influence much on the trajectory of the ball, great to pass beneath caves among others of the genre. Spike is the fusion of Tomahawk and Cobra creeping out of the ball rises and then it picks up strength and shoot to the point chosen to fall.

Silkroad Online (also known as SRO) is an MMORPG created by South Korean company Joymax. Since its beta version was released in South Korea on November 11, 2005, the title became quite popular in the East, especially in their home country and China, since its plot is directly connected to part of Chinese history. The Silkroad, as the name says, recalls the Silk Road, where merchants, bandits and bounty hunters were trailing hard paths in search of sustenance and survival.
Guild Wars
Guild Wars is an RPG game that stimulates the formation of groups. It is practically impossible to do most of the objectives alone. The world is divided into instances, various parts copied from the same place for each group, which reduces the use of the server, because when the player travels through uncivilized areas of the game, you only have contact with other players on your team. In civilized areas the concept of MMORPG seems to arise since the player can come into contact with any player, whether your team or not, that is also in the same area civilized.
The player creates a character and choose a primary profession, which will influence the look of the character, dictate the armor and weapons you can use more effectively, as well as the initial skills they have at their disposal. At a given point is allowed to choose a second job, not the same. This will increase the initial skill set, allowing the player to use skills to achieve synergies between different professions. There are different professions available, and each one has its own characteristics. The character will level up to twenty, but after maximizing the level you can continue to unlock skills through existing missions.
The player creates a character and choose a primary profession, which will influence the look of the character, dictate the armor and weapons you can use more effectively, as well as the initial skills they have at their disposal. At a given point is allowed to choose a second job, not the same. This will increase the initial skill set, allowing the player to use skills to achieve synergies between different professions. There are different professions available, and each one has its own characteristics. The character will level up to twenty, but after maximizing the level you can continue to unlock skills through existing missions.
RuneScape is an MMORPG produced by British firm Jagex Ltd.. It was officially established in 1998 by Andrew Gower. The game features more than 138 million accounts created above level 25, and was recognized by Guinness as the most popular MMORPG in the world and laborious.
Andrew Gower was the creator of DeviousMUD, forerunner of RuneScape. After being rewritten and renamed, the first version of RuneScape was released to the public in 2001, in the form of beta. He had a free version and a simple interface that was accessible to most browsers.
RuneScape takes place in the fictional universe of Gielinor, which is divided into several kingdoms, regions, cities and towns. Players can travel Gielinor on foot, using teleportation spells, balloons, and other vessels. Each region offers different types of monsters, and adventures resources (missions), also known as quests that challenge the player. Unlike other MMORPGs, there is a history to be followed, although there is a whole story about the time before which the player is located. Players are represented by customizable avatars, whose goals and objectives are defined by the players themselves. They can fight monsters or even other players on adventures engender or enhance the experience in any of the available skills, also known as skills. Players can interact with each other through conversation, exchange of items, or participating in cooperative mini-games or competitive.
Andrew Gower was the creator of DeviousMUD, forerunner of RuneScape. After being rewritten and renamed, the first version of RuneScape was released to the public in 2001, in the form of beta. He had a free version and a simple interface that was accessible to most browsers.
RuneScape takes place in the fictional universe of Gielinor, which is divided into several kingdoms, regions, cities and towns. Players can travel Gielinor on foot, using teleportation spells, balloons, and other vessels. Each region offers different types of monsters, and adventures resources (missions), also known as quests that challenge the player. Unlike other MMORPGs, there is a history to be followed, although there is a whole story about the time before which the player is located. Players are represented by customizable avatars, whose goals and objectives are defined by the players themselves. They can fight monsters or even other players on adventures engender or enhance the experience in any of the available skills, also known as skills. Players can interact with each other through conversation, exchange of items, or participating in cooperative mini-games or competitive.
Lunia Z
Lunia é um MMORPG 3D lançado originalmente na Coréia, publicado e traduzido no Brasil pela Level Up! Games. O jogo se diferencia dos demais do gênero ao misturar elementos de Ação e RPG, além de apresentar um visual anime.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Dragon Oath
Dragon Oath is the first Free-to-Play MMORPG MMORPG publisher ChangYou.com (USA) Inc. Based on the story of one of the most popular Chinese novel "Tian Long Ba Bu," Dragon Oath is one of the first team and community-oriented game MMORPG with the system 24/7 event, 9 different classes in terms of skills, abilities and appearances, a number of animals available and frames, fast-paced combat system, unique system workshop and players further unique features. With the creation of fantasy ancient Eastern background, the combination of adventure, community action and special features will guide you to experience the world you never experienced before.
Join the adventure of Dragon Oath - Fulfill your destiny: Select a category, raise pets, riding in their cars and learn their skills and capabilities to become the best of the best!
Star Trek
In Star Trek Online, players can visit the famous places of popular fiction, reaching unexplored star systems, contact with new species, to explore new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations in an expanding universe, with new contact races, discover resources and uncover mysteries that will influence the future of Star Trek. It is set in the year 2409 (a timeline that goes beyond the films), so that everything you experience will be very new, but still based on the series that you love.
In addition, Star Trek Online gives you space and ground combat. Some missions will take you and your friends to the furthermost reaches of space, will cross exotic planets and even you will be on other ships. As captain, it is your job to take his crew on missions that span a range of locations. When you're in space, that you direct the action, participate in an exciting battle, where you can move in three dimensional space and shoot your enemies with a huge variety of weapons and join the action and explore parts of the galaxy that have not been documented .
Social Empires
Empires social is where you can create multiple empires from scratch, build homes, ranches, farms, barracks, forts and castles. Build and train your army to attack and defend. Visit the World Explorer users to attack other empires, go sailing and flying missions to reach the island to receive cool rewards. But be careful, to defend his empire to avoid attacks from trolls and other players. Choose the defensive strategy of your choice. Set you defenses you like.

Saturday, April 14, 2012
War Of The Immortals
Developed by Perfect World for Windows, War of the Immortals is an action MMORPG Free offer a dizzying pace that you can destroy environments, monsters and epic landscapes wonderfully intense. As indicated War of the Immortals, players should expect the conflict to come up with more challenging content, with epic battles and exciting PvP control territory and resources.
Regions Ragnarok barely returned to Atlantis and players will find the impact of a major war.
With the imminent death, even to the gates of Atlantis, players must listen to the call to action and take up arms. Only then will have the opportunity to prevail over evil.
The player will have eight classes (Berzerker, Champion, Heretic, Magus, Slayer, Duelist, Ranger and Enchantress) to choose from a multitude of weapons and armor to get (specifically tailored for each class, these powerful sets of gear will grow and change appearance as players progress through the game), strong pets that can be improved and a system of clans with large houses. He also must withstand intense struggles for territory against other clans in an interactive environment provided by the World Cube Perfect graphics engine that allows dungeons come to life with destructible environments.
Regions Ragnarok barely returned to Atlantis and players will find the impact of a major war.
With the imminent death, even to the gates of Atlantis, players must listen to the call to action and take up arms. Only then will have the opportunity to prevail over evil.
The player will have eight classes (Berzerker, Champion, Heretic, Magus, Slayer, Duelist, Ranger and Enchantress) to choose from a multitude of weapons and armor to get (specifically tailored for each class, these powerful sets of gear will grow and change appearance as players progress through the game), strong pets that can be improved and a system of clans with large houses. He also must withstand intense struggles for territory against other clans in an interactive environment provided by the World Cube Perfect graphics engine that allows dungeons come to life with destructible environments.
Sarnaut was a peaceful planet who developed life, and where life organized in the form of various civilizations existed for eons. He had a thriving agricultural economy and market, taking advantage of the huge and fertile existing continents. The largest of these continents was Yul, where the three races coexisted more power: the elves in the United Airin in the northeast, with a strong political system; Zem in the southern desert, formed by walkers and totally destroyed by a plague during the Curse June, and the Orc tribes in the east.
The Junes created the first human kingdom and lived for centuries alongside the elves, until they were almost exterminated by a plague. Soon after the fall of the Kingdom Junes, the Conclave of Mages was created. It was initially composed of 40 members, seven of whom were leaders and members of Council only became the more experienced members of the Council, but any one who passed the test could be part of the Conclave. Members were protective against other wizards and access to secret knowledge of the Conclave. Skrakan was the mentor of the Council in the third millennium of ancient times, and his best pupils were Tensess and Nezeb. [8] After some time, the tribe of Aro took the remnants of the destroyed kingdom June, but were attacked by Orcs, who rated them fracos.Entretanto as Aro won the war under the leadership of Grand Wizard Tensess, and so was founded the nation of Kania.Logo then the Great Magician Nezeb, hero of the war against the Orcs, Tensess challenged but lost and was exiled to Zems inhabited desert where in the past. It was hosted by the nomadic people Ugra and became the leader of it. With the people trained, started second and won the war against Kania, renaming it to Xadagania. Thus, other human nation emerged, and the powers of Kania and Xadagania were weakly stable Skrakan per share, which restored the power of the Conclave five centuries after the conflict, forcing Tensess Nezeb and to obey him. This fragile balance persisted until shortly after the Great Cataclysm.
The Junes created the first human kingdom and lived for centuries alongside the elves, until they were almost exterminated by a plague. Soon after the fall of the Kingdom Junes, the Conclave of Mages was created. It was initially composed of 40 members, seven of whom were leaders and members of Council only became the more experienced members of the Council, but any one who passed the test could be part of the Conclave. Members were protective against other wizards and access to secret knowledge of the Conclave. Skrakan was the mentor of the Council in the third millennium of ancient times, and his best pupils were Tensess and Nezeb. [8] After some time, the tribe of Aro took the remnants of the destroyed kingdom June, but were attacked by Orcs, who rated them fracos.Entretanto as Aro won the war under the leadership of Grand Wizard Tensess, and so was founded the nation of Kania.Logo then the Great Magician Nezeb, hero of the war against the Orcs, Tensess challenged but lost and was exiled to Zems inhabited desert where in the past. It was hosted by the nomadic people Ugra and became the leader of it. With the people trained, started second and won the war against Kania, renaming it to Xadagania. Thus, other human nation emerged, and the powers of Kania and Xadagania were weakly stable Skrakan per share, which restored the power of the Conclave five centuries after the conflict, forcing Tensess Nezeb and to obey him. This fragile balance persisted until shortly after the Great Cataclysm.
Sudden attack
Sudden Attack is a game of first-person shooter that puts you on the battlefield against several players from around the country. With different dynamics, the title emphasizes the action and speed during the game, mixing a simple gameplay, intuitive and easy access to any type of player, from veterans to newcomers in the genre.
You'll experience the dangers of modern warfare and need to use all their expertise and work in sync with the rest of the team to victory in over 30 unique maps, designed to provide challenges that can test your skills and further develop their strategic thinking.
You'll experience the dangers of modern warfare and need to use all their expertise and work in sync with the rest of the team to victory in over 30 unique maps, designed to provide challenges that can test your skills and further develop their strategic thinking.
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto is a series of computer games and video game created by David Jones, later by brothers Dan Houser and Sam Houser, and game designer Zachary Clarke. It is mainly developed by Rockstar North (formerly DMA Design) and published by Rockstar Games. The name is derived from the series Grand Theft Auto, a term referring to motor vehicle theft.
The series is set in fictional places strongly modeled on American cities, while an expansion to the original was based in London. The gameplay focuses on an open world where players can choose which missions to the progress of a global history, as well as participate in activities side, consisting of all action, adventure, driving, occasional, and racing with RPG elements. The theme of the games is usually a comic satire of American culture, but the series has gained controversy for its nature and adult themes. The series focuses around many different protagonists who attempt to rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld, although their motives for doing so vary in each game.
The games developer DMA Design started the series in 1997 and currently has ten standalone games and four expansion packs. The title of the third game of the chronological, Grand Theft Auto III, was widely acclaimed as it brought the series to a 3D scene with much more experience, and is considered a reference to the title game "Grand Theft Auto clone." Subsequent titles would follow and develop the concept established in Grand Theft Autto 3.
The series is set in fictional places strongly modeled on American cities, while an expansion to the original was based in London. The gameplay focuses on an open world where players can choose which missions to the progress of a global history, as well as participate in activities side, consisting of all action, adventure, driving, occasional, and racing with RPG elements. The theme of the games is usually a comic satire of American culture, but the series has gained controversy for its nature and adult themes. The series focuses around many different protagonists who attempt to rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld, although their motives for doing so vary in each game.
The games developer DMA Design started the series in 1997 and currently has ten standalone games and four expansion packs. The title of the third game of the chronological, Grand Theft Auto III, was widely acclaimed as it brought the series to a 3D scene with much more experience, and is considered a reference to the title game "Grand Theft Auto clone." Subsequent titles would follow and develop the concept established in Grand Theft Autto 3.

Friday, April 13, 2012
gears of wars
Gears of War 3 is an electronic game third-person shooter for video game developed by Epic Games and published by Microsoft Game Studios, released for the Xbox 360 in September 2011. It is the third part of the series Gears of War.Uma the key attractions of this game is the cooperative mode with four players, and the introduction of three new female characters Samantha Byrne, Anya Stroud, and also Bernadette Mataki, the latter being of a character known Gears of War novels, written by Karen Traviss. Another playable character is Jace Stratton, a soldier "tough" comics Gears of War, and has his name mentioned in Gears of War 2. The new game will include new weapons like the double-barreled shotgun, and "Lancer"-era "Pendulun Wars," which has a normal bayonet, not a chainsaw as in geas of War 1 and 2.
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